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Business People
The Business Page
Flow Chart
Business Team Research
Professional Meeting
Shake on It
Business Team
Successful Work Team
Business Team Research
What are your technology business problems?
Training Needs Assessment



Typically people are at different knowledge levels with software they use on their jobs.  A 'needs assessment' is a great tool to use.  Check out this example that an Excel user would do to find out what are the basics that they need to know.

Do any of these comments sound familiar ?



and a more efficient use of your time.  


Using a consultant can often be a quick way to improve your work tasks.


If you are a business owner with a growing staff, you need to ensure that your people are working as a team.  How do you do that?


Advantages of a consultant to look at the big picture from the outside.


  • services to augment your staff

  • requirement to get 'up and running' rapidly

  • 'fill in the gap' services 

Identifications of business requirements

leads to

system requirements

leads to

determining training needs 

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