Who is behind CCR Consulting ?
As the principal of CCR Consulting, I have over 25 years of diversified professional experience in business consulting, software applications (off-the-shelf and proprietary) training and major account marketing. My experience has been gained through OJT which in my opinion is the best type of training that a seasoned professional can receive. Well-informed consultants need to draw on their expertise which is gained from experience.

Professional Experience
I began my technical career as an employee at two legacy computer companies where I held various positions in marketing, internal training (product and sales training) and customer education. During that 10 year experience I gained extensive corporate business knowledge that provided the backgroud to start my consulting business.
My initial client jobs were all related to providing training in the corporate environment. I realized that even though my clients had diverse businesses, they all had a requirement for training, particularly Microsoft applications
which quickly became my focused area. I also was using MS software in a variety of projects which provided me with practical experience.
My background and consulting experience has proven extremely valuable to clients in projects ranging from customized training and needs assessment to designing and implementing nation-wide training programs. My experience provides the unique capability to understand business needs and provide solutions.
Business volunteer experience
20 years of business volunteer work.
Designated Special Municipal Employee
for service in various capacities:
- Financial Advisory Committee
- Economic Development Committee
- Municipal Technology Committee
Board of Directors - Florida HOA timeshare condo (elected President annually - 6 yrs). The Board oversees a $1.5m annual operating budget plus $1m in reserve funds. Board responsibilities include:
- annual budgeting
- monthly financial analysis
- owner satisfaction (~1450 owners)
- prioritizing maintenance projects
- contract reviews